Adding Value to Life   


AIDS decimates the social fabric of a community, and leaves the whole spiritual edifice teetering at the brink of total collapse. The hard fact that this pandemic lacks a cure leaves the infected and affected people in a situation so hopeless that this hollowness rubs off onto, and seeps progressively into the individual.

This physical hollowness can easily translate into spiritual need, ultimately bringing in question the institution of belief, where people begin to question the use of their God to them. And because spiritual satisfaction is part and parcel of the entity of humanity, provision of humanitarian assistance without it is more like preparing for a journey to the land of nowhere. For as it s written in James 1: 27, ‘pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is that which cares for the widows and orphans in their distress.’ As Christians, we can only put claim to the fact that we are true believers, only when we exhibit unqualified compassion to those in need.

   This is actually the source of inspiration to our staff, who are all volunteering without any form of pecuniary motivation. Mathew 25:35 puts it more vividly: ‘For I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me;……


We do sensitization to the communities and that is the opportunity we have to introduce them to the path of Christ Jesus. The peoples are more than glad to receive the word. It gives them a new hope to live for and it is in itself, a very major counsel.

It is because of the foregoing that evangelism is taken to be central to our work, serving as a pivot and a lubricant in everything that we lay our hands upon.

  We have an outreach team, offering Spiritual help and comfort through which we have seen many people give their lives to the lord, and had total behavioral turn around. It is not that easy to practice abstinence and or being faithful without supernatural supervision. We are convinced that a God-fearing populace will develop mechanisms that will inevitably curtail the further spread of this epidemic and save the future generations from this horrible pandemic plus the incidence of orphaning and vulnerability.        


We go out and preach the Gospel to the inmates sharing with them the love of Jesus for the sake of rehabilitation and much more to know more about their families because some men are jailed for many years and their children remain behind without any help. So in such a case we take the initiative to trace their whereabouts and also find out how we can help and with this we have realized lots of testimonies as a result of this ministry amongst which is one Kirunda Moses who was jailed for several years but liberation came his way through one of our visits and when he came out of prison miraculously, he came to church and through him, his family; children and two wives got saved. But the challenge is that in March 2008, Moses passed on and left all these orphans behind amongst the 10 children is a 3 yr old baby who has tube in the skull, sick of nervous problem under the care of one widow and they are now under BRELIM CHARITY.

However a gift of $40 per child per month can provide clothing and a few basic requirements for each of these orphans.


We hold seminars and discipleship classes to teach the new converts the Christians and how to live a Christ led life.


  • We have Sunday school classes every sunday morning aimed at training up children in the fear of the Lord with required admonition so as to attain wisdom to result into better and responsible citizens.

Copyright 2004 – 2009, Brelim Charity Uganda